Community Impact

Community outreach lies close to our hearts.

We are passionate about enriching our community and the natural world around us.

We have worked closely with the SPCA, have and ongoing Raptor and Wildlife Programme with the Endangered Wildlife Trust and we provide veterinary assistance to our community when it’s needed the most.

In an effort to conserve our environment, we offer a variety of services to our community and certain entities either for free or at a discounted rate.

Almost all raptor cases coming through our clinic require immediate intensive care.

For us to continue to assist these animals, we need your help. We offer all our services for FREE, but we need funds to cover medicines in these special cases.

If you would like to help, our banking details are as follows:

Kimberley Veterinary Clinic
Bank: ABSA
Account Number: 407 890 5664
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: Raptor Fund

This will allow us to continue to provide the very best medical care we can give, with the help of our community.
Your donations allow us to keep saving these very important birds.

Having previously won the annual Gariep Raptor Conservationist Award for assisting in the conservation of endangered species, we pride ourselves in our mission to make our natural surroundings a better place for all these amazing animals.

Protecting forever, together!

Find Out More

Endangered Wildlife Trust Logo

Vulpro Logo

Kimberley SPCA Logo

Check out some of what we’ve accomplished so far!

Why Are Vultures Important?

Save The Pangolins

The Miracle Martial Eagle

Tank the Tortoise

Featherhead, the Verreaux’s Eagle


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