Basic Physiotherapy

We are passionate about optimal patient comfort and recovery, after surgery or just throughout every day life.

Physiotherapy is an excellent way to help patients who have undergone major surgery, suffered trauma, and those who suffer from musculoskeletal ailments (like Intervertebral disc disease – IVDD, hip/elbow dysplasia and arthritis).

TENS physiotherapy machine at kimberley veterinary clinic

KimVet is equipped with basic physiotherapy equipment and our professional staff are well versed in the very best, updated physiotherapy techniques.

We create individualised programmes for each patient and schedule regular follow-up sessions to ensure that these programmes are up to date with the correct exercises and that they fit the tolerance level of the patient.

It is important to reach an equilibrium between what the patient can do safely, without risk of injury, and the push they need to progress further in their physiotherapy journey.

It is important that each patient is examined prior to commencement of physiotherapy. All professional staff members and owners need to be abreast of changes in condition to ensure a positive outcome and to avoid overexertion and unnecessary stress to the patient.

If physiotherapy is started too soon, it can have detrimental effects on the recovery journey, especially for very sensitive cases, like IVDD patients.

If started too late, muscle atrophy and weakness can prove to be too severe.

dog outside on grass rolling around in front of kimberley veterinary clinic

We are in close contact with trained animal physiotherapists should our patients require more advanced treatment or referral.

The physiotherapy journey for most pets is a long, but worthwhile, commitment.
We encourage our clients to make use of veterinary physiotherapy should it be recommended. It plays an exceptionally important role in our pets making the best recovery.

For more information on veterinary physiotherapy, check out the Equine-Librium website.

equine-librium website logo physiotherapy

Kimberley veterinary clinic physiotherapy patient with IVDD in water bath
cheetah recovering after surgery in kimberley veterinary clinic
kimberley veterinary clinic staff member holding a dog outside hospital

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