Valentine's Day is coming! Your pet needs some love!
Valentine's Day is coming! Your pet needs some love!

It’s Vet Nurses Day!

Veterinary nurses are integral members of any veterinary team. They care for your pets when they’re away from home. They ensure they get the right medication, the right food and make sure they get enough snuggles and kisses!
Nurses have an endless to-do-list in their practice. While sometimes overlooked because they work behind the scenes, nurses do much more than you may think…

Here’s to our carers, client liaisons, phlebotomists, lab technicians, x-ray technicians, surgical assistants, oral hygienists, groomers, educators, vet assistants, anaesthetists, physical therapists, pharmacy technicians, first responders, pet advocates, clinic managers, stock controllers, chew toys, janitors and protectors, of people and pets.

Here’s to all the amazing veterinary nurses and technicians all around the world putting their patients, your pets, first every single day.
The value nurses provide to veterinary clinics is immeasurable.
Thank you!
Check out the rest of our incredible team –
For more information on veterinary nurses and how you can become one of these super-humans, visit the UP website –
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