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As a pet owner, it’s essential to prioritize your furry friend’s health and well-being. Once crucial aspect of pet care is protecting your dogs and cats from ticks and fleas. These external parasites can cause significant discomfort, transmit diseases, and even lead to life-threatening conditions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of tick and flea treatment for dogs and cats, exploring the risks associated with these parasites, the benefits of treatment, and the best methods for prevention.
Ticks and fleas are two of the most common external parasites affecting dogs and cats. These parasites feed on the blood of their hosts, causing discomfort, anemia, and transmitting diseases.
Ticks are ectoparasites that attach themselves to dogs and cats, feeding on their blood. In South Africa, the most common tick species are the Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), the Yellow Dog Tick (Haemaphysalis leachi), and the Bont Tick (Hyalomma marginatum). Ticks can transmit several diseases, including:
Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of dogs and cats. In South Africa, the most common flea species is the Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Fleas can transmit diseases, including:
In our next blog, we will go into more detail about the different diseases.
Given the risks associated with ticks and fleas, it’s essential to prioritize tick and flea treatment for your dogs and cats. Treatment can help prevent the transmission of diseases, reduce discomfort and anemia, and prevent infestations.
There are several methods for preventing and treating tick and flea infestations. These include:
R96.30 – R171.00
For the treatment and prevention of fleas and ticks on dogs and puppies from 8 weeks of age.
Provides the broadest scope of protection in one dose, protecting cats and kittens inside and out against flea, ticks, ear mite, roundworms, hookworms, and heartworms.
19 in stock
For the treatment and prevention of fleas and ticks on cats and kittens from 8 weeks of age.
26 in stock
R860.00 – R1,275.00
Protects your dog from ticks & fleas for 32 weeks.
Ultrum Powder contains Porpoxur in a perfumed talc base, packed in a powder shaker – for the control of fleas, ticks, feather mites, red mites and lice on dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and birds, including cage birds and poultry. It is safe for use on rabbits. Ultrum Powder is cost effective and can be used regularly to keep flea infestations at bay (it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other flea and tick remedies).
15 in stock (can be backordered)
Ultrum Plus is a luxury insecticidal, flea & tick shampoo for dogs. Contains evening primrose oil, permethrin (for extended action), esbiothrin (for instant knockdown), piperonyl butoxide, lanolin and conditioners. The shampoo leaves the coat and fur silky-clean and sweet-smelling. Use Ultrum Plus when fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites. Not safe for cats.
7 in stock (can be backordered)
Ultrum Original is a luxury insecticidal, flea & tick shampoo safe for use on cats, dogs, puppies and kittens. Contains natural pyrethrum, piperonyl butoxide, humectant, lanolin and conditioners. The shampoo leaves the coat and fur silky-clean and sweet-smelling. It’s perfect for the new puppy or kitten brought into the home. Can be used in multi pet households to prevent toxicity in cats.
9 in stock (can be backordered)
R193.27 – R290.31
Ultrum Ultimate treats and prevents flea and tick infestations in dogs. Ultrum Ultimate gives over 3 weeks protection against fleas, kills flea eggs and larvae over 3 months and is also effective against ticks. Contains permethrin, es-bioallethrin, piperonyl butoxide and pyriproxifen. When fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites.
R110.78 – R179.77
Nexgard contains afoxolaner, an insecticide-acaricide for oral treatment and prevention of flea, tick and mite infestations of dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, for one month following a single administration.
R314.40 – R666.07
For the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs.
R265.10 – R596.00
Simparica is a fast acting safe chewy tablet that starts killing fleas within 3 hours and ticks within 8 hours.
Ultrum Powder contains Porpoxur in a perfumed talc base, packed in a powder shaker – for the control of fleas, ticks, feather mites, red mites and lice on dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and birds, including cage birds and poultry. It is safe for use on rabbits. Ultrum Powder is cost effective and can be used regularly to keep flea infestations at bay (it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other flea and tick remedies).
15 in stock (can be backordered)
R193.27 – R290.31
Ultrum Ultimate treats and prevents flea and tick infestations in dogs. Ultrum Ultimate gives over 3 weeks protection against fleas, kills flea eggs and larvae over 3 months and is also effective against ticks. Contains permethrin, es-bioallethrin, piperonyl butoxide and pyriproxifen. When fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites.
Tick and flea treatment is essential for protecting your dogs and cats from the risks associated with these external parasites. Regular treatment can prevent the transmission of disease, reduce discomfort and anemia, and prevent infestations. By understanding the risks associated with ticks and fleas, the benefits of treatment, and the methods for prevention and treatment, you can help keep you furry friends free from these parasites.
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We understand the deep connection you share with your companion, because beyond who we are as veterinary professionals, we are pet parents just like you. We have experienced first-hand this amazing journey, the ups and downs, the joys and challenges. This deeply personal experience is what makes our care so unique.
For dogs who love to make some noise, and pet parents who don’t want to clean up messy stuffing.
For dogs who love to make some noise, and pet parents who don’t want to clean up messy stuffing.
With four super bright LED’s this is the perfect toy for night time play.
The embroidered “sprinkles” and toppings make them look like real delicious donuts! Available in 2 colours.
The safe-to-chew rubber bone massages gums and protects teeth.
The perfect choice to keep the fur kids comfortable and warm! Available in 7 sizes.
Make sure the icy fingers of winter will never reach your pet. Available in 6 sizes.
Make sure the icy fingers of winter will never reach your pet. Available in 6 sizes.
Your dog will be looking sharp in the cold this winter with this velvet flannel dog jersey. Available in 12 sizes.
Pet poisonings from household/human food is quite prevalent. People often make the mistake of thinking that people food is okay for pets. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t.
Milk is not easily digested by most adult animals and can cause them to develop diarrhoea, not to mention the negative impact the excessive calcium can have on growing animals.
Though not a poison, bones are VERY DANGEROUS. They can lodge in a dog’s passageways or cut it’s intestines causing extreme pain and discomfort, possibly leading to death.
Chocolate is responsible for countless pet poisonings. Theobromine and caffeine are concentrated in dark and baking chocolate.
Onions and garlic can destroy a dog’s red blood cells, leading to anaemia.
Rich, fatty foods such as chicken skin or gravy can cause pancreatitis and inflammation of the digestive system and can be very painful and serious.
Grapes and raisins can lead to loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and acute renal failure in dogs, possibly resulting in death.
Coffee is also dangerous to animals.
Nicotine is a stimulant that can increase the heart rate, leading to collapse and, in the worst case, death.
Avocado is dangerous to the heart.
Alcoholic beverages should be kept away from animals at all times.
Be as vigilant at poison-proofing your house for a pet as you would be for a child!
Some of the most common signs of poisoning include gastrointestinal signs (vomiting and diarrhoea), neurological signs (tremors, incoordination, seizures, excitability, depression), respiratory signs (coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing), skin signs (inflammation, swelling), liver failure (jaundice, vomiting) and kidney failure (increased drinking, loss of appetite and weight loss).
Some poisons act on more than one body system, and so can produce any combination of the above signs.
The most common malicious poisoning one tends to see in veterinary practice is with use of Temik, also known as “Two Step”. This was previously used as an insecticide on farms. It looks very similar to “poppy seeds” and can quite easily be bought illegally. Burglars place it in meat which is then thrown into your yard. Signs of poisoning are usually seen within 5-20 minutes.
The most common signs are: Excessive salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, not wanting to eat, runny eyes/nose, difficulty breathing/blue gums, muscle twitching, restlessness and in many cases paralysis which inevitably leads to death.
There are many household items and plants that can be harmful to your pet.
Although plants are great, many are also poisonous to pets. Many plants that are not toxic to people may cause serious medical problems in pets, such as renal failure, irregular heartbeats, cardiac shock and even death.
Members of the Lilium family are considered to be highly toxic to cats. While the responsible component has not yet been identified, it is clear that with even ingestion of very small amounts of the plant, severe kidney damage could result.
Ingestion of Cannabis by companion animals can result in depression of the central nervous system and incoordination, as well as vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, increased heart rate and even seizures and can even result in a coma.
This plant is very dangerous. It contains toxins that can cause intense gastrointestinal irritation, drooling, loss of appetite, depression of the central nervous system, convulsions and cardiac abnormalities. These signs are often so severe that it can lead to death.
Members of this plant species contain substances which can produce symptoms such as vomiting, drooling, diarrhoea, weakness and depression of the central nervous system in animals. Severe azalea poisoning could ultimately lead to a coma and death from cardiovascular collapse.
All parts of the oleander plant are considered to be toxic, as they have the potential to cause serious effects—including gastrointestinal tract irritation, abnormal heart function, hypothermia and even death.
A common garden plant, Amaryllis species contain toxins that can cause vomiting, depression, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, hyper-salivation, anorexia and tremors.
These popular blooms may cause gastrointestinal upsets, including drooling, vomiting and diarrhoea, if eaten. In certain cases depression and loss of coordination may also develop if enough of any part of the plant is consumed.
Ivy contains toxins that, should pets ingest it, can result in vomiting, abdominal pain, hyper-salivation and diarrhoea.
Cycads cause liver failure, especially in puppies.
If your pet does chew on a plant, immediately remove the plant from its mouth and rinse the mouth gently with water. Identify the plant your pet ate and call your veterinarian.
Watch for excessive or foamy salivation and changes in the skin around the mouth, eyes or paws.
There are many other things that could be potentially poisonous to your pet.
The most important thing for you as a pet owner to remember is that you need to stay vigilant and act quickly and calmly when it comes to poisonings.
For more information on poisonings in pets, please check out our blog post –
Some pet owners may mistakenly think that the medications used to treat human symptoms will work for animals as well. In most instances, this is not the case.
Never give your pet human medication, even something as simple as aspirin can be lethal to your pet. Products such as acetaminophen and any aspirin product can cause stomach bleeding. Medications such as birth control and vitamins can also cause internal bleeding.
Cats tend to be attracted to unusual flavours. So keep them away from calamine lotion, diaper-rash ointments, sun-block and analgesic ointments. These products contain an acid related to those in aspirin and will prove toxic if ingested.
Cats and human medication very rarely actually work well together; even in tiny doses it can be extremely harmful.
Whether a cat accidentally chews into a pill bottle or a well-intentioned pet owner accidentally switches medications (giving their pet a human medication), pet poisonings due to human medications are common and can be very serious.
Pets metabolise medication very differently from people.
Even seemingly benign over-the-counter or herbal medications may cause serious poisoning in pets.
Human medicines that are potentially poisonous to cats are Paracetamol, antidepressants, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, ADD/ADHD medications, some laxatives, Betadine and Dettol, sleep aids, birth control pills, blood pressure tablets, thyroid hormones and cholesterol lowering agents.
Paracetamol is often given to cats in a caring, but misguided attempt to relieve pain. It is highly dangerous to cats and just one tablet is enough to cause severe illness or death.
Signs of paracetamol poisoning include depression, vomiting, swelling of the face and paws and a slightly blue discolouration of the skin.
An effective antidote is available but must be used very soon after the cat has taken the tablet.
While flea and tick treatments work well for dogs, the Pyrethrin in dog powder can be highly toxic and potentially fatal for cats. Poisoning can arise when cats are accidentally treated with dog flea products or if they groom themselves or other animals treated with the product.
Cats may salivate a great deal, be thirsty and have a high temperature and tremors or convulsions – urgent veterinary advice is essential.
Always read treatment labels carefully. Products that contain Pyrethrins or Pyrethroids should be avoided at all costs.
Gastrointestinal signs (vomiting and diarrhoea), neurological signs (tremors, incoordination, seizures, excitability, depression), respiratory signs (coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing), skin signs (inflammation, swelling), liver failure (jaundice, vomiting) and kidney failure (increased drinking, loss of appetite and weight loss).
Some poisons act on more than one body system and can produce any combination of the above signs.
Pet medication is designed to taste delicious so that animals will eat it. Even the fussiest pet might be tempted. The physical damage of accidental ingestion of medication can be very serious – particularly if the dose is for an animal three or four times bigger in size.
Always keep medications safely out of reach of your pet. NEVER administer a medication to a pet without first consulting your veterinarian.
Never leave loose pills in plastic bags – the bags are too easy to chew into.
If you place your medication in a weekly pill container, make sure to store the container in a cabinet out of reach of your pet.
Hang your bag up.
Inquisitive pets will explore the contents of your bag and simply placing your bag up and out of reach can help to avoid exposure to any potentially dangerous medication.
If you suspect that you have accidentally given your pet the wrong medication, contact your vet for advice immediately! Make sure you know when, where and how the poisoning occurred, you can even take the packaging or substance with you to the vet.
For more information on other poisons that are harmful to pets, check out our blog post –