The day we have all been waiting for and long worked towards has finally arrived. Our 4 beautiful flamingo children have finally been released!

After months of interesting bandages, surgeries and lots of love, these beautiful Lesser Flamingos are finally where they belong.

The Lesser flamingo is the smallest of all flamingos. They inhabit coastal and inland wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa and part of India. They breed on large alkaline and saline lakes, salt pans, and coastal lagoons.

Lesser flamingos mostly eat blue-green algae but occasionally will take crustaceans and small insects.

A huge thank you to Ester van der Westhuizen, Debbie Smith, Dr Donovan Smith, Dr Sherike van der Merwe and Sr Anmari Coetzee for dedicating so much time, expertise and love to these fantastic four. We’re going to miss these mischievous little dudes!

Did you know – The word Flamingo actually comes from the Portuguese language and loosely translates to “red goose”? This is primarily due to their flying formation and the funny honking sound they make!
Lesser Flamingos are also not born with their beautiful pink plumage. The impressive mixes of roseate and coral pinks are due to the type of food they consume!

For more on the Lesser flamingo, please check out the Animalia website –

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