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Valentine's Day is coming! Your pet needs some love!
Spirocercosis – Dr Dave Miller, Dr Liesel Van der Merwe

Spirocercosis – Dr Dave Miller, Dr Liesel Van der Merwe

Spirocerca Lupi
Written by:

  • Dr Dave Miller, Johannesburg Specialist Veterinary Centre
  • Dr Liesel Van der Merwe , Onderspoort Veterinary Academic Hospital

Spirocerca lupi (S. lupi) is a worm that has dogs as its definitive host and forms a nodule (“granuloma”/mass) within the lower oesophagus (“slukderm”).

The worm:

It is a large± 5cm long red worm that lives inside the oesophagus (slukderm) of the dog. It forms a large nodule in the oesophagus which usually results in the symptoms experienced. The dog is infected after eating a dung beetle or other infected animal (lizard or bird that has eaten the dung beetle). The term spirocercosis is used to describe the disease in the dog.

The life cycle:

A final host (dog) and an intermediate host (dung beetle) are needed to complete the life-cycle. The adult S. lupi lives within the oesophagus where it irritates the normal tissue. The irritated tissues then seep tissue fluid and this is what the adult worm lives on. The irritated tissue, in the oesophageal wall, enlarges/ hypertrophies and lays down fibrous tissue and forms a nodule that is often incorrectly called a granuloma. When the worm is adult it lays eggs through a hole in the mass [operculum] and the eggs pass through the intestines and are passed in the dog’s faeces (stool). The infected dog passes out large numbers of eggs into the stool. Dung beetles then eat the stool and in turn become infected.

The eggs hatch to larvae within the beetle and are infective to dogs if eaten.

This worm also uses other hosts to carry the infective larva. These hosts are called “transport” hosts. These include birds, mice, lizards and frogs. They become infected when they eat a dung beetle containing a Spirocerca lupi larva. The larva does not develop further inside these hosts, nor does it harm them, but still remains infective to dogs that eat these transport hosts.

Once ingested: the larvae hatch inside the stomach of the dog and start a migration path to the oesophagus. They first migrate along the abdominal blood vessels to the aorta. Here the larvae develop into young adults. Once they are mature enough, they start to move forwards inside the aorta and then they migrate towards the oesophagus through the tissues in the chest. This process usually takes 4 to 6 months but can be as fast as 2 ½ months. Once in the oesophagus, they form a large nodule in which they live. The female worms then pass eggs out through a small opening. Eggs then pass through the intestinal tract and are deposited with the stool of infected dogs. Dung beetles eating this stool become infected, the life cycle continues.

Clinical signs in the dog:

Due to the nodule (Irritation of the oesophageal wall, Irritation of the nerves, physical obstruction):

  • Vomiting and/or Regurgitation
  • Change in breathing (panting, coughing, retching)
  • Sialoadenosis – Increased salivation and enlarged salivary glands
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Lethargy/ Weakness (can be due to: not keeping food down or the nodule becoming cancerous or due to anaemia)
  • Pale gums and lips – due to bleeding from nodules
  • Swollen feet (Maries disease/Hypertrophic Osteopathy)
Due to the migration through the dog:
  • Fever
  • Rupture of blood vessels – which may result in death
  • Secondary bacterial infections
  • Coughing/Pneumonia
  • Due to Adults worms or Larvae forming nodules in the incorrect place:
  • Coughing
  • Paralysis (in spinal cord)
  • Raised liver levels (nodule in liver)

The most common clinical signs reported in retrospective studies are respiratory signs, vomiting (active) or regurgitating (passive), acute death from a bleeding aortic aneurism, Maries disease (swollen feet) and sialoadenosis (a condition where the salivary glands enlarge). The nodule can also become cancerous and this cancer can then metastasize (spread) throughout the body.

Diagnosis of this disease:

This disease is not always that easy to diagnose and a number of methods can be utilized.

Faecal samples may show infection but only once the worm is mature in a nodule (4-6 months after infection).

X-ray photos (2 views of chest) can reveal the nodule in the oesophagus once it is over a certain size.

Endoscopy: The most successful method uses a camera that is passed down into the oesophagus and one can then visually inspect for the nodule. The risk of cancerous change is then assessed through biopsies taken thru the endoscope.

Computed tomography or CAT scan is a more sophisticated method of X- rays to diagnose the nodule in the oesophagus.

Once a definitive diagnosis is made then treatment for the disease can be undertaken. Advanced spirocercosis that has become cancerous and spread into the body cannot be cured but palliative therapy can be attempted.


Dogs with a simple infection/ small nodule often will respond to anti-parasitic drugs, which may be given by injection or by mouth. Repeated treatments over a time period are required. The re-evaluation of the oesophagus, through endoscopy, is required to ensure cure.

The drug used to treat this worm is a drug commonly used in livestock. It is not registered for use in dogs. Owners’ permission to use this drug is required. This drug can only be used in Border Collies, old English sheepdogs rough collies and Australia Cattle dogs and Australian Sheepdogs and Collie X dogs once a special PCR test has been performed to show that it is safe to use. In Collie type dogs that have an abnormal gene, one must try other deworming agents to try and cure the worm.

Killing the worm cannot cure clinical signs in dogs with nodules that have become cancerous. These dogs require surgical and medical treatment.


Two new products have been registered for the use of prevention and treatment of Spirocerca Lupi infections in dogs.

Milbemycin Oxime (Milbemax by Elanco)

Moxidectin & lmidacloprid (Advocate by Bayer)

Both these products need to be used MONTHLY for prevention purposes.

Please note that treatment doses for clinical cases differ dramatically and should be administered under the supervision of your veterinarian.


  • Courtesy of Dr Dave Miller (BVSc, MMedVet (Med)), Johannesburg Specialist Veterinary Centre
  • Dr Liesel Van Der Merwe (BVSc, MMedVet (Med)), Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital



Spirocerca Lupi – Spirocercosis

The silent killer not everyone is aware of.

Spirocerca Lupi is a red worm that normally goes and sits and grows in your dog’s oesophagus.

This worm burrows into the oesophagus after migrating from the stomach after ingestion, creating a nodule that, in turn, is extremely irritant to your pet. As a result, it causes vomiting and in some cases haemorrhage into the stomach, leading to black coloured faeces.

Infections in domestic cats have been rare to nonexistent. Experimentally, it has been possible to cause lesions in cats although they have not been described under normal circumstances.

Animals infected with Spirocerca lose weight rapidly, due to all the vomiting. In some cases, infected animals can die acutely from burst aneurisms.

In severe cases, the nodule can turn cancerous if left untreated. These worms also migrate to different parts of the body via arteries and veins, which could cause blockages.

All of these things could, if not prevented and left untreated for too long, possibly lead to the death of your pet.

Animals generally get infected by ingesting the larvae that develops inside certain dung beetles. They can even get infected by eating other critters that have enjoyed the dung beetle as a meal.

An intermediate host (the dung beetle) and a final host (your pet) are required to complete this worm’s life cycle. The larvae are present had hatch in the beetle, when ingested by a dog, they start to wreak havoc.

Spirocerca Lupi can be prevented and treated if detected before the nodule has become cancerous.

The Signs and Symptoms of Dogs Suffering From Spirocercosis

Most dogs with S. lupi infection show no clinical signs, but when signs are present, they most commonly include weight loss, coughing and difficult/laboured breathing. When the oesophageal lesion is very large (usually when it has become neoplastic), the dog has difficulty swallowing and may vomit repeatedly after trying to eat. These dogs salivate profusely and eventually become emaciated. In addition, dogs may develop thickening of the long bones characteristic of hypertrophic osteopathy.

Now, sometimes dogs will vomit, retch or regurgitate. Other times, it may be more subtle. Dogs may just be off their food, lick their lips, cry when swallowing, ‘cough’ or ‘retch’. Some dogs just lose weight but continue eating.

Apart from the manifestations and consequences mentioned, the worm can also kill patients by damaging the aorta, obstructing the oesophagus, migrate to places other than those expected or the nodules can become cancerous, usually malignant osteosarcomas, which can spread to other organs, especially the lungs.

Occasionally, dogs may die suddenly as the result of massive bleeding into the thorax after rupture of the aorta that had been damaged by the developing worms.


Spirocerca lupi is most frequently diagnosed with the help of radiographs of the chest, as well as endoscopy of the oesophagus, where the clinician will see red nodules or scarring. As the worms grow bigger, the granuloma/nodule grows bigger. One obvious problem is in swallowing.
In rare instances, S. Lupi eggs can be seen on a faecal float, however, eggs are sporadically voided in faeces and can be difficult to find.

The characteristic lesions are aneurysms of the thoracic aorta, reactive granulomas of variable size around worms in the oesophagus and exostoses, benign outgrows from cartilage. Oesophageal cancer, which often spread (metastasis) to other areas of the body, is sometimes associated with S. lupi infection. Dogs with Spirocerca-related cancers often develop hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie’s Disease).

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment of clinical cases is often not practical. However, efficacy has been demonstrated with specific anthelmintics combined with COX-2 inhibitors, although none of these treatments have been approved. There are also certain anthelmintics that have adverse effects on certain breeds. Surgical removal usually is unsuccessful because of the large areas of the oesophagus involved.

Milbemax tablets and Advocate spot on are now registered to control Spirocerca with monthly treatment.

Preventing Spirocerca is actually fairly easy.

Keeping the garden clear of dog faeces will help in reducing the number of dung beetles. Monthly treatment with Milbemax tablets or Advocate spot on works effectively if given consistently.

We recommend all dogs to be put on a monthly preventative programme from a young age.

Unfortunately this will work to kill the worms, but the tumours and other complications will often not respond to treatment as the disease is often only noticed once there are tumours that have formed. Therefore prevention is extremely important.



Great news! You can purchase Milpro or Milbemax from our online store! Check it out here –

Andrew S. Peregrine , BVMS, PhD, DVM, DEVPC, DACVM, Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

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