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Everything you need to know in 2025 to keep your pet healthy and happy!

Everything you need to know in 2025 to keep your pet healthy and happy!

Everything you need to know in 2025 to keep your pet healthy and happy:

Schedule a Vet Check-Up
Start the year with a wellness exam to ensure your pet is healthy.
Update vaccinations and discuss parasite prevention (fleas, ticks, heartworms).

Review Diet and Nutrition
Assess your pet’s diet and make adjustments if needed to support their age, activity level, and health.
Avoid overfeeding post-holiday treats to prevent weight gain.

Grooming Needs
Maintain grooming routines: baths, nail trimming, and coat brushing.
Check ears and teeth to prevent infections or dental issues.

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Pet’s struggling to sleep? Some Tips That Might Help!

Pet’s struggling to sleep? Some Tips That Might Help!

Pets struggling to sleep? Some tips that might help:

Comfortable Bed: Provide a cozy, quiet space with a supportive bed suited to your pet’s size and needs.

Exercise Routine: Ensure they get enough physical and mental stimulation during the day to tire them out.

Consistent Schedule: Stick to a regular feeding, exercise, and bedtime routine to promote relaxation.

Reduce Noise: Minimise household noise during sleep hours, or use white noise machines to calm them.

Temperature Control: Keep their sleeping area at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold.

Limit Late Stimulation: Avoid playtime, heavy meals, or stimulating activities right before bed.

Relaxing Scents: Use calming scents like lavender (pet-safe formulations) to help them unwind.

Health Check: If your pet struggles with sleep often, consult your vet to rule out pain or health issues.

The Importance of Tick and Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats

The Importance of Tick and Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats

As a pet owner, it’s essential to prioritize your furry friend’s health and well-being. Once crucial aspect of pet care is protecting your dogs and cats from ticks and fleas. These external parasites can cause significant discomfort, transmit diseases, and even lead to life-threatening conditions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of tick and flea treatment for dogs and cats, exploring the risks associated with these parasites, the benefits of treatment, and the best methods for prevention.

The Risks Associated with Ticks and Fleas

Ticks and fleas are two of the most common external parasites affecting dogs and cats. These parasites feed on the blood of their hosts, causing discomfort, anemia, and transmitting diseases.


Ticks are ectoparasites that attach themselves to dogs and cats, feeding on their blood. In South Africa, the most common tick species are the Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), the Yellow Dog Tick (Haemaphysalis leachi), and the Bont Tick (Hyalomma marginatum). Ticks can transmit several diseases, including:

  • Babesiosis: A life-threatening disease caused by the Babesia parasite, which infects red blood cells.
  • Ehrlichiosis: A bacterial disease that can cause fever, lethargy, and bleeding disorders.


Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of dogs and cats. In South Africa, the most common flea species is the Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Fleas can transmit diseases, including:

  • Flea allergy dermatitis: A skin condition caused by an allergic reaction to flea bites.
  • Tapeworms: Fleas can transmit tapeworms, which can cause digestive problems and weight loss.

In our next blog, we will go into more detail about the different diseases.

The Importance of Tick and Flea Treatment

Given the risks associated with ticks and fleas, it’s essential to prioritize tick and flea treatment for your dogs and cats. Treatment can help prevent the transmission of diseases, reduce discomfort and anemia, and prevent infestations.

Benefits of Treatment

  • Prevention of diseases: Regular tick and flea treatment can prevent the transmission of diseases, reducing the risk of illness and death.
  • Reduced discomfort: Treatment can alleviate the discomfort and anemia caused by tick and flea infestations.
  • Prevention of infestations: Regular treatment can prevent tick and flea infestations, reducing the risk of transmission to other pets and humans.
  • Reduced risk of tick-borne diseases: Treatment can reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases, which can be life-threatening.

Methods for Prevention and Treatment

There are several methods for preventing and treating tick and flea infestations. These include:

  • Topical treatments: Topical treatments, such as spot-on products, can be applied directly to the skin to kill ticks and fleas.

Frontline Plus Spot On (Single), Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Boehringer


For the treatment and prevention of fleas and ticks on dogs and puppies from 8 weeks of age.

Revolution Plus Cats 2.5 – 5kg (per ampule)


Provides the broadest scope of protection in one dose, protecting cats and kittens inside and out against flea, ticks, ear mite, roundworms, hookworms, and heartworms.

23 in stock

Frontline Plus Spot On 0.5ml, Cats Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Boehringer


For the treatment and prevention of fleas and ticks on cats and kittens from 8 weeks of age.

33 in stock

Revolution Dogs (per ampule)


Revolution is a spot-on that treats adult fleas and flea eggs on the pet plus flea eggs and larvae in the home, mites, lice, roundworm, hookworm, heartworm and controls ticks.

Collars and tags: Collars impregnated with tick and flea repellents can be used to prevent infestations.

Seresto Tick & Flea Collar Dog


Protects your dog from ticks & fleas for 32 weeks.

Ultrum Powder 100g, Cats Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Powder contains Porpoxur in a perfumed talc base, packed in a powder shaker – for the control of fleas, ticks, feather mites, red mites and lice on dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and birds, including cage birds and poultry. It is safe for use on rabbits. Ultrum Powder is cost effective and can be used regularly to keep flea infestations at bay (it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other flea and tick remedies).

17 in stock (can be backordered)

Shampoos and dips: Shampoos and dips can be used to kill ticks and fleas on dogs and cats.

Shampoo Ultrum Plus 250ml, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Plus is a luxury insecticidal, flea & tick shampoo for dogs. Contains evening primrose oil, permethrin (for extended action), esbiothrin (for instant knockdown), piperonyl butoxide, lanolin and conditioners. The shampoo leaves the coat and fur silky-clean and sweet-smelling. Use Ultrum Plus when fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites. Not safe for cats.

7 in stock (can be backordered)

Ectodex 100ml


Controls demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, ticks and lice.

12 in stock

Shampoo Ultrum Original 250ml, Cats Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Original is a luxury insecticidal, flea & tick shampoo safe for use on cats, dogs, puppies and kittens. Contains natural pyrethrum, piperonyl butoxide, humectant, lanolin and conditioners. The shampoo leaves the coat and fur silky-clean and sweet-smelling. It’s perfect for the new puppy or kitten brought into the home. Can be used in multi pet households to prevent toxicity in cats.

9 in stock (can be backordered)

Spray Ultrum Ultimate, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Ultimate treats and prevents flea and tick infestations in dogs. Ultrum Ultimate gives over 3 weeks protection against fleas, kills flea eggs and larvae over 3 months and is also effective against ticks. Contains permethrin, es-bioallethrin, piperonyl butoxide and pyriproxifen. When fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites.

Oral medications: Oral medications, such as tablets and chewables, can be given to dogs to kill tick and fleas.

Nexgard Chewable, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Boehringer


Nexgard contains afoxolaner, an insecticide-acaricide for oral treatment and prevention of flea, tick and mite infestations of dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, for one month following a single administration.

Bravecto Chewable Tablet, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, MSD


For the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs.

Simparica Chewable Tablet (3 Pack)


Simparica is a fast acting safe chewy tablet that starts killing fleas within 3 hours and ticks within 8 hours.

Nexgard Spectra Chewable, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Boehringer


Nexgard Spectra is a beef-flavoured chew available in five sizes adapted to dogs and puppies according to their weight.

Environmental treatments: Environmental treatments, such as sprays and foggers, can be used to kill ticks and fleas in the environment.

Ultrum Powder 100g, Cats Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Powder contains Porpoxur in a perfumed talc base, packed in a powder shaker – for the control of fleas, ticks, feather mites, red mites and lice on dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and birds, including cage birds and poultry. It is safe for use on rabbits. Ultrum Powder is cost effective and can be used regularly to keep flea infestations at bay (it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other flea and tick remedies).

17 in stock (can be backordered)

Ectodex 100ml


Controls demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, ticks and lice.

12 in stock

Spray Ultrum Ultimate, Dogs Tick/Flea, KimVet e-Shop, Kyron


Ultrum Ultimate treats and prevents flea and tick infestations in dogs. Ultrum Ultimate gives over 3 weeks protection against fleas, kills flea eggs and larvae over 3 months and is also effective against ticks. Contains permethrin, es-bioallethrin, piperonyl butoxide and pyriproxifen. When fleas and ticks are a problem and the dog-owner wants to ensure that the animal is completely free of these parasites.


Tick and flea treatment is essential for protecting your dogs and cats from the risks associated with these external parasites. Regular treatment can prevent the transmission of disease, reduce discomfort and anemia, and prevent infestations. By understanding the risks associated with ticks and fleas, the benefits of treatment, and the methods for prevention and treatment, you can help keep you furry friends free from these parasites.

Blood Donor Super Heroes – WALL OF FAME

Blood Donor Super Heroes – WALL OF FAME


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood donor super heroes - Katja


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kendi


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Leila


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Tyne


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kalinka


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic - Blood Donor Hero - Kylie


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Chloe


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Nala


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kalie


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Sakkie Els


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Sakkie Els


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Heroes - Sakkie Els


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kovu


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Leica


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kylie


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Rocket


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Kendi and Tyne


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Staffy


Kimberley Veterinary Clinic Blood Bank - Blood Donor Hero - Zashkia


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Snake Bites in South Africa

Your pet has been bitten by a snake… What now?

We can attest that this is of every pet owner’s worst nightmare. One of them at least.

Snakes become more active once the weather warms up. There is a steep increase in snake bites during warmer weather, and we have seen an enormous amount of snake bite cases over the last few months.
To make this even worse, there is no antivenom available anywhere in South Africa.

A snake bite is classified as an emergency. This means that you need to get your pet to a vet ASAP. They will be treated promptly with intravenous fluids and antivenom, should there be available.

The first question we’re going to ask is, what snake was involved? This information is very important as it greatly influences the prognosis and treatment plan. There is no need to kill the snake, this places you and your pet at unnecessary risk. A basic description of the snake will do just fine.
Another will be whether your pet has received antivenom before, this could also influence the treatment plan.

Most pets are bitten around the face and limbs. Some have venom spat into their eyes, in this case, try to rinse your pet’s eyes with running water if they allow, then get to the vet for further treatment.

Snake Bite Symptoms To Look Out For:

While you may not always see the bite marks, there are some key symptoms to look out for.
Profuse salivation, swelling, especially around face, neck and limbs, rapid and shallow breathing, shivering/shaking, vomiting, dilated pupils, weakness and in severe cases, total collapse.
Symptoms will vary depending on the type of snake. Some are cytotoxic (eg. Puff Adder), others neurotoxic (eg. Cape Cobra) and haemotoxic (eg. Boomslang).

If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a snake, call your vet ASAP. Snake bites are emergencies, and the quicker the treatment can begin, the better the chances are for survival.

While we realsie that this is not always possible, preventing a snake encounter is best. If you encounter a snake on your daily walk, stop moving and slowly retreat, giving the snake room to escape. Do not allow your dog to sniff at the snake. If you’re in a known snake habitat, keep your dog on a leash, and preferably keep to open trails where snakes are easier to spot. If your dog is particularly curious and pawing at something, call them away from the area.

Prevention is better than cure, and it is better safe than sorry.

For more information on snakes and snake bites, please visit the African Snake Bite Institute website: https://www.africansnakebiteinstitute.com/snakebite/#pets

The Importance Of Dental Care In Pets

It’s no surprise that, out of all the members of our family, our pets’ dental care is the most neglected. They cannot brush their teeth or floss and this goes on, in many cases, for years.

Dental care forms as important a part of primary animal healthcare as vaccinations or sterilisations. And, as with vaccinations and sterilisations, neglecting to pay attention to dental health can, and will, have disastrous and extremely painful results.
This is one of the primary reasons that teeth are pulled when you bring your pet in for a dental cleaning.
It is important to address the problem before it progresses too far.

In a normal mouth, teeth are white, or near white, and the gums attach smoothly to each tooth. Plaque is collected on the tooth daily, but is brushed and flossed away. This ensures it never mineralises to tartar.

Tartar is solid and gritty; it is also filled with bacteria. This stops the natural mechanism of tooth cleaning and leads to tenderness and inflammation around the tooth and gum.
This process eventually leads to periodontal disease.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is a disease around the outside of the tooth. The gum around the tooth forms pockets due to loose ligaments that are supposed to keep the tooth firmly in place. Food, grass, hair and subsequently bacteria fill those pockets. This leads to infection, even more pain, inflammation, and eventually severe gum recession from the base of the tooth.

Severe tartar build-up compromises blood flow to the tooth and destroys the integrity of the root of the tooth. This also compromises bone in which the tooth sits.

Bone loss and severe periodontitis, once it has begun, cannot be reversed. This is why many teeth need to be removed, but this also increases the risk of jaw fractures due to severely compromised bone. Rotten teeth that are no longer attached to the gum and that are filled with bacteria and tartar cause an unimaginable amount of pain. Those teeth that simply cannot be saved need to be removed entirely in order for your pet to be pain free.

Some common reasons for tooth extractions include:

  • severe periodontal disease,
  • broken teeth,
  • severe gum recession and tooth resorption,
  • certain inflammatory conditions and advanced caries/cavities.

In young dogs and cats, deciduous teeth, or persistent baby teeth, are also strong indicators for tooth extraction.

Believe when we say, we would love to save as many teeth as we can during a dental, but we would much rather have your pets be happy and pain free. If removing a tooth can do that, then that is indication enough.

Not to mention, all that bacteria sitting in the mouth gets transported to other areas of the body, leading to secondary infections or abnormalities of the heart, liver and kidneys. Virtually anywhere where the blood flows…

If these facts aren’t enough to scare any pet owner into action, then we don’t know what is.

The best way to prevent these things from happening is to start home dental care from the early stages of your pet’s life.
This includes brushing your pet’s teeth at least twice weekly, using oral gels and wipes, providing safe dental treats and chews and perhaps even considering putting your pet on a dental specific diet.

Remember, do not neglect your pet’s dental health. Imagine how you would feel if you don’t bush your own teeth for 10 years…

For more information on pet dental care, visit our blog: https://kimvet.co.za/dental-disease-in-pets/

or the trusted petMD website: https://www.petmd.com/dog/grooming/evr_dg_oral_hygiene_and_your_dogs_health

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