Chicken recipe dry dog food, specially formulated for digestive health. With prebiotic fibre to fuel gut bacteria and support a balanced microbiome, and vitamin E & omega-6s for healthy skin & coat. Your grown dog wants to feel as good as he or she looks. Hill’s Science Plan Sensitive Stomach & Skin Adult dog food with Chicken is specially formulated for optimal digestive health. This dog food for sensitive stomachs uses prebiotic fiber to fuel gut bacteria and support a balanced microbiome. In addition, this dry dog food provides an excellent source of vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids to nourish your dog’s skin, and help maintain a healthy, shiny coat. This digestion care food is formulated with decades of cutting-edge research to be a great-tasting meal adult dogs can truly enjoy.
There’s more to love with Hill’s Science Plan
- This dry dog food uses prebiotic fibre to feed your medium adult dog’s microbiome for optimal digestive health
- Dog food with a special blend of Omega-6s and other nutrients nourish skin & promote a lustrous coat
- Made with prebiotic fibre to fuel beneficial gut bacteria in medium adult dogs
- Packed with vitamin E & Omega-6 fatty acids to help your grown dog get a lustrous coat and healthy skin
- Made with high quality ingredients
- Veterinarian Recommended
Feeding Guidelines
Body weight | Dry Grams |
2.5kg | 60 |
5kg | 100 |
7.5kg | 135 |
10kg | 170 |
20kg | 285 |
30kg | 385 |
40kg | 480 |
50kg | 565 |
60+kg | 11 per kg |
Brewers’ rice, maize, chicken and turkey meal, maize gluten meal, dried whole egg, digest, animal fat, dried beet pulp, vegetable oil, minerals, flaxseed.
Additives (per kg): Nutritional additives: 3b103 (Iron) 84.0mg, 3b202 (Iodine) 1.3mg, 3b405 (Copper) 8.3mg, 3b502 (Manganese) 8.7mg, 3b603 (Zinc) 174mg, 3b801 (Selenium) 0.2mg; with natural antioxidant.
Batch number, factory registration number and best before date: see information on packaging. To be stored in a cool, dry place.
For more information regarding Hill’s Science Plan dog food visit Hill’s
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